Trump is Unpresidential. Good.
People who can’t stand Donald Trump call him “un-Presidential”. The Media calls Donald Trump un-Presidential, as if he simply has no basic manners.
The intention is that he’s a rude buffoon, an uneducated and horrific representation of the USA on the world stage. A jerk. An embarrassment to the nation.
The political Left wants to own the language. The political Left wants to define what words mean, or don’t mean.
We all know what is meant by Presidential — Someone who looks the role, speaks well, is gracious, has a firm grasp of the issues, and can play the diplomat on the world stage.
The politcal Left is unethical on every level and sometimes you simply need the right weapon for the right job at the right time.
Maybe Trump, with a lifetime of real-world construction experience in NYC and well beyond, actually might know a thing or two about how countries interact with one another. Maybe he knows about how to read people who aren’t trustworthy. Maybe he has not just an academic understanding of economics but also a real world understanding of how economics work. Maybe Trump might know how to get things done and an executive level.
The Left calls him un-Presidential because he is their ball buster. He doesn’t buy what they’ve been so used to selling. He doesn’t allow them to get away with the things they’ve gotten away with in the media and in government for years.
Trump is actually a breath of fresh air on the world stage too. If you’ve ever traveled the world and dealt with various cultures in business you’ll know that the world is full of bullshit artists who will completely take advantage of who while you drink your Cava together. People who are highly diplomatic on the surface but cutthroat and cunning on the inside. The world has objectives and will act in a way to accomplish those objectives.
- Trump stands side by side with the various leaders of the EU and calls them out on not paying their bills related to NATO. They’re visibly embarrassed and can’t believe the audacity of Trump calling them out. The Media calls him un-Presidential but it was long overdue to send this message.
- A US reporter asks deliberately asshole questions to Trump and he shoots them down, and maybe even slings an insult in their direction. The Media calls him un-Presidential.
- A US reporter gets called on to ask a question and says she wasn’t thinking. He says “you never do”. The Media calls him un-Presidential.
- And on and on…
So while I exactly understand what they mean when they say un-Presidential, I would rather have what we have in Trump than what we had in Obama, a man of near zero accomplishments and a voting record of mostly “present”.
Trying to take a step back and objectively look at the USA right now in a political sense, part of me thinks it’s a mess, but another part of me thinks we’re in a very good place.
I think there are 3 camps of people in the USA today.
- Those who see Trump as exactly what is needed right now.
- Those who see Trump as a total threat to their mission, objectives, and values.
- Those who naively think that even if the power structure of the Left wants Trump gone at any cost that they would certainly never sabotage the whole country for that — would they?
There is a Red Pill/Blue Pill scenario taking place in the USA today. Those in that last group are facing a real choice to either quickly recognize the reality of what is going on, or go home and live in blissful ignorance.
I heard two people talking this week about the current events with Coronavirus. One said to the other that “the idea to reopen the country or keep it locked down seems to be falling on political party lines — the Right wants to open things up and get the economy moving again and the Left wants to delay opening the economy as long as possible until the November election happens”.
The other person innocently said “yes but why would the political leaders and the media want to harm the country? They themselves have family and friends who would be negatively affected by that too.”
That last sentence is exactly what so many people can’t wrap their head around. They just can’t bring themselves to accept the fact that in the big world of Leftist national and international politics mission is above all else.
They can’t get themselves to take the Red Pill just yet and deal with the sometimes painful truth of reality. They stick with the Blue Pill and go back to believing an illusion.
Trump is un-Presidential. So what?
Not only is Trump not taking the media’s playbook, he’s feeding them their own dog food and they not only don’t like it. They simply don’t know what to do. Every attempt by the media and political rivals fails and even backfires.
They’re mad that he is in the position that he’s in.
He wasn’t supposed to be there. Everything was perfectly set up so it would be as if “democracy” had spoken and Hillary Clinton would have been President.
But it didn’t work out that way.
- They’re mad because there is a lot of real dirty (and likely super illegal) stuff that has taken place so all the stops had to come out to try to remove him from office before the light of day could expose it all. Remember, Hillary Clinton was supposed to win and none of what we’ve learned over the past 3 years would have come out.
- They’re mad because he was a major coitus interruptus on the plan that was in place of a policy takeover of America.
- They’re mad because many people apparently like him.
- They’re mad because every boomerang they sling his way zips back to hit them in the face.
In the 2016 election many people in the US decided it was time for a street fighter to step up and be President, and that’s what we got. They knew they were electing a street fighter.
The people that wanted Trump to win wanted someone to come onboard who would actually fight back against the tyrannical nature and the wacky social policies of the Left.
There is a huge war brewing in America. It is a war of ideas, a war of implementation, and a war of drastically world views. This war has actually been going on for over 50 years, but for those 50 or so years the general trajectory has favored the Left with freedoms being lessened and the government more in control of decisions (look at health insurance if you doubt this…).
Then along comes Trump like a sequoia tree right in the middle of the road and messes everything up. He is so different than every other president the Left is just besides themselves with their inability to easily control the narrative.
I remember watching Barack Obama give soaring speeches full of golden ideas and flowery plans. He looked so “Presidential”, but he had a huge chip on his shoulder and didn’t have the best interests of the USA at heart.
What good is being Presidential if you’re undermining the country you’re President of?
Thomas Sowell has a perfect quote to describe Barack Obama.
“Barack Obama’s political genius is his ability to say things that will sound good to people who have not followed the issues in any details regardless of how obviously fraudulent what he says may be to those who have.”
Do you remember the night Trump won the 2016 election? The first half of the night, millions of people, and nearly every print and TV media outlet were giddy with excitement. Hillary Clinton was going to win the election. Trump would lose and the private Washington DC “Club” (of which Trump is not a part), would make an example of him as a warning to others to not even think about challenging the club.
Then he won the election. His greatest sin was that he won the election. This 10 minute video tells the story better than any other…
This became such a shock to the Clinton supporters, the media, and even Clinton herself that the supporters were in tears, the media was left asking how could they have gotten this so wrong, and Clinton couldn’t even make an appearance until the next day.
So why did Trump run for President and why did he win the election?
Trump is in his early Seventies. For two decades Trump has “threatened” to run for President. He was a private citizen worth a ton of money, with a good life, who decided to subject himself and his family to all the headache that comes with running for President. Why do that? What motivated him to go for it?
You can say he wanted power and more money but I don’t think that’s the case. That’s too easy. I think typical politicians absolutely want more power and money, that’s why they go into national politics. But I think in Trump’s case, at 70 years old, and already with money and a decent amount of power, he simply wanted to make an attempt at getting the American ship back on course as a nation. It can be that simple of an explanation.
The Left is obsessed with the government as the Social Experiment coordinator and Economy Policy daddy — but only when they’re in the majority. Only when they control the Executive and Legislative branch.
I think Tucker Carlson in part, perfectly packaged up this sentiment around why someone like Trump decided to run for President and why millions of people voted for him.
Tucker Carlson telling it like it is…
So I don’t care if Trump is presidential or not the way the Left wants to define it for their own purposes. I care that any President works toward reducing the size of government, protecting people’s rights to life, liberty, and property, and staying out of the business of social engineering. I care that the President has the best interests of the nation at heart, and I think Trump does.
Mistakes can always be forgiven and often should be. Malicious policy toward the nation however, never.
So you can think he is un-Presidential and that’s fine. I happen to think he is the right man for the right job for the times, and I think he’s actually very Presidential — in his own way.
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