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Today’s popular music is just awful.
What in the world happened to music?
In the 1980’s you could turn on the radio station and out would come music that was thoughtful, and amazing in some cases.
On the radio!
It was a generation of young musicians with new technology and a never ending flow of ideas.
Each artist or band had their sound, their mood, and their creativity.
Today, hardly at all— maybe actually even close to zero. It’s not a drought though, it’s deliberate. Creative people are out there, they’re just not part of the business of music anymore.
I have two sons (13 and 16) so I am exposed to the music of high school today.
Holy shit! It S-U-C-K-S.
For all of my kids’ life they generally have been exposed to the music I listen to. But now they are starting to come into their own and catch the music of the day with their friends.
This is totally normal, I get it. But what a difference in music, ideas in the music, musical skills, and lack of power in pop music today.
I’ve generally held this thought now for years. Music has moved from individual creativity behind each musician/band to an algorithm applied to all of them to extract more or less the same thing from all of them.