Food in America
A couple of years ago I went to the doctor for an annual check up.
Before the doctor came into the room, his PA asked me a strange question. She said — “what medications are you on?”
I said “don’t you mean are you on any medications?”
She paused for a moment at how insane her question was if you really stop to think about it.
I told her none. She said “most of my patients are 3,4,5 and even as many as 10 different prescription medicines a month.”
Holy hell.
Seemingly everyone in the United States has issues with their health and their weight.
Everywhere you look there are not just fat people, there are deformed people.
Genuinely deformed.
American culture used to be a country of people with grit and fortitude. People grew food — and there was a culture of cooking by the masses.
Sunday’s at Grandma’s house was a real event four times a month for millions of families.
People bought and cooked real food.
Then in the 1970’s and 1980’s something changed. TV dinners were introduced and thus began a cycle began crap Swanson’s Salisbury steak and pharmaceuticals to combat the results.